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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - dare


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~1 v 1 »DO STH DANGEROUS« I not in progressive to be brave enough to do something dangerous or that you are afraid to do  (The others used to steal things from stores, but I would never dare. | dare (to) do sth)  (Would you dare to do a parachute jump?) 2 »DO STH RUDE/SHOCKING ETC« to be confident enough, rude enough, or dishonest enough to do something that is very rude, shocking, or wrong  (Tell her what I really think? I wouldn't dare!) 3 how dare you spoken used to show that you are very angry and shocked about what someone has done or said  (How dare you accuse me of lying!) 4 don't you dare! spoken used to warn someone not to do something because it makes you angry  (Don't you dare talk to me like that!) 5 »PERSUADE SB TO DO STH« to try to persuade someone to do something dangerous or embarrassing as a way of proving that they are brave  (dare sb to do sth)  (They dared Lenny to climb to the very top branch. | I dare you! spoken)  (Go on! Ask her for her telephone number. I dare you!) 6 dare I say/suggest formal spoken used when adding information that you think people may not accept or believe  (I found him intelligent, observant, and, dare I say it, a sparkling wit!) 7 I dare say spoken especially BrE used when saying or agreeing that something may perhaps be true  (I dare say things will improve.) ~2 n something dangerous that you have dared someone to do  (a dare to run through the field with the bull in it | for a dare (=because someone has dared you to))  (I only did it for a dare.)
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   biographical name Virginia 1587-? 1st child born in America of English parents DARE  I. verb  (~d; daring; ~s or (auxiliary) ~)  Etymology: Middle English dar (1st & 3d singular present indicative), from Old English dear; akin to Old High German gitar (1st & 3d singular present indicative) ~, Greek tharsos courage  Date: before 12th century  verbal auxiliary to be sufficiently courageous to no one ~d say a word she ~ not let herself love — G. B. Shaw  intransitive verb to have sufficient courage try it if you ~  transitive verb  1.  a. to challenge to perform an action especially as a proof of courage ~d him to jump  b. to confront boldly ; defy ~d the anger of his family  2. to have the courage to contend against, venture, or try the actress ~d a new interpretation of this classic role  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 1594  1. an act or instance of daring ; challenge foolishly took a ~  2. imaginative or vivacious boldness ; daring DARE  abbreviation Dictionary of American Regional English ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.tr. (3rd sing. present usu. dare before an expressed or implied infinitive without to) 1 (foll. by infin. with or without to) venture (to); have the courage or impudence (to) (dare he do it?; if they dare to come; how dare you?; I dare not speak; I do not dare to jump). 2 (usu. foll. by to + infin.) defy or challenge (a person) (I dare you to own up). 3 literary attempt; take the risk of (dare all things; dared their anger). --n. 1 an act of daring. 2 a challenge, esp. to prove courage. Phrases and idioms I dare say 1 (often foll. by that + clause) it is probable. 2 probably; I grant that much (I dare say, but you are still wrong). Derivatives darer n. Etymology: OE durran with Gmc cognates: cf. Skr. dhrsh, Gk tharseo be bold ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. сущ. вызов - give a dare - take a dare 2. гл. сметь, отваживаться, пренебрегать опасностью, рисковать ...
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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. разг. вызов to give a dare —- бросить вызов to take a dare —- принять вызов; рискнуть to decline a dare —- отклонить вызов, уклониться от вызова 2. уст. сметь, отваживаться; иметь наглость let him do it, if he dares —- пусть сделает это, если у него хватит смелости he daren't do it —- у него не хватит духу сделать это and he dares to insult me! —- и он смеет оскорблять меня! dare you jump from the top? —- не побоишься спрыгнуть сверху? how dare you say such things! —- как ты смеешь говорить такие вещи! he won't dare to deny it —- он не осмелится отрицать это don't you dare touch him! —- не смей его трогать!, не тронь его! I dare swear —- я уверен, могу поклясться 3. уст. в эллиптических конструкциях: not to dare beyond the premises —- бояться выйти из дому 4. пренебрегать опасностью, рисковать to dare the perils —- презирать опасность I will dare his anger —- меня не страшит его гнев will you dare the leap? —- рискнешь прыгнуть? he will dare any danger —- он не задумываясь пойдет навстречу любой опасности to dare smb. to smth. —- вызывать кого-л. на что-л. to dare smb. to a fight —- вызывать кого-л. на бой I dare you to contradict me —- возрази мне, если можешь I dare you to jump over the stream —- попробуй перепрыгни через ручей I am not to be dared by any, I cannot suffer to be dared by any —- никто меня не заставит I'll do it if I'm dared —- лучше меня не провоцировать Id: to dare...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. v.; past dared durst; past part. dared; 3rd sg. pres. dares, dare  1) модальный глагол сметь, отваживаться he wont dare to deny it - он не осмелится отрицать это I dare swear - я уверен в этом I dare say - полагаю, осмелюсь сказать (иногда ирон.)  2) пренебрегать опасностью, рисковать to dare the perils of arctic travel - пренебречь всеми опасностями полярного путешествия  3) вызывать (to - на что-л.); подзадоривать I dare you to jump the stream! - а ну, перепрыгните через этот ручей! Syn: see venture  2. noun  1) вызов to take a dare - принять вызов  2) подзадоривание ...
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English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. durran "to dare," an irregular preterite-present verb: darr, dearst, dear were first, second and third person singular present indicative; mostly regularized 16c., though past tense dorste survived as durst, but is now dying. From P.Gmc. *ders-, from PIE *dhers-. Daredevil is from 1794. DARK - O.E. deorc, from P.Gmc. *derkaz. "Absence of light" especially at night is the original meaning. O.E. also had a useful verb, sweorcan, meaning "to grow dark." Application to colors is 16c. Theater slang for "closed" is from 1916; darky, for "black person" is from 1775; dark horse is 1842, from horse racing. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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